Newsletter - 29 August 2023

August 29, 2023
        N E W S L E T T E R

On Spring Day, Friday the 1st September, the Annual Ladies Hat Day will be held on the verandah at morning tea time and a fantastic prize will be awarded to the lady wearing the best Spring Day hat.

Also on Friday the 1st September, the Raffle Prize draw will take place on the verandah during morning tea time. The raffle is a Fund Raiser in support of Likhon iThemba, a local charity that gives support and assistance to abandoned babies and children. Raffle tickets are available from reception at a cost of R5.00 per ticket and will be on sale until the draw takes place. Fabulous prizes will be handed out to the winning ticket holders.

Violinists from Durban Girls College will be performing during morning tea on Friday the 8th September. All residents are invited to enjoy the entertainment.

A Musical Ensemble will be performing in the Caister Lounge on Sunday the 10th September from 2.30 pm till 4.00 pm. Residents may invite their friends and family to join us on this magical occasion.

On Friday the 15th September, a celebratory Rosh Hashanah dinner will be held in the alcove section of the dining room from 7.00 pm. Reservations and payment of R200.00 per person for this traditional dinner is to be made at reception before Monday the 4th September.

Con Convare will once again be entertaining the residents in the lounge on Thursday the 21st September from 6.00 pm. Residents are invited to come and enjoy the entertainment.

The medical team would like to remind all the Caister residents that the final year audiology students from UKZN will be available on Friday the 1st September from 10.30 am in the TV Lounge to assist with free hearing testing. We encourage all residents to avail themselves of this free service.

Caroline Jankovich (Unit 137) and Angela Kightley (Unit 128) are offering their assistance to all voters who are registered outside of Ward 31 to be transferred across before next year’s elections. Residents requiring assistance to transfer to Ward 31may contact Caroline or Angela directly.

Some residents who are members of Westville Bridge Club have requested that members meet at Caister’s for their regular Tuesday bridge mornings and the TV Lounge has been reserved for them.

Save the Date, The Caister’s Bi-Annual Quizz has been arranged for Wednesday evening, the 25th October 2023 from 6.00pm.

We would like to welcome the following new resident and hope she has a long and happy stay at Caister Lodge:-

	Francis Raubenheimer- Unit 25

Once again, residents are advised to be alert when being phoned by scamsters posing as bank staff officials from the Fraud Department and trying to extract information to access your bank account.

With the increase in Load-Shedding, residents are advised to switch off all electronic equipment before loadshedding starts and before it ends to safeguard the equipment and cut the downtime and high cost of repairing same. Please see the notice board for the daily Load-Shedding Schedules.

Ever increasing electricity tariffs is having a negative effect of the overhead costs at Caister Lodge and residents are urged to be mindful of this cost as well as the ever increasing cost of diesel that is required to keep the lights on during load-shedding.

Crockery and glassware is still not being returned to the dining room timeously and having an effect on the service levels in the dining room, lounge, verandah etc. Please will residents return same to the dining room immediately after the use thereof and not store same for weeks on end in the apartments.

Even though the dams that feed the greater Durban area have sufficient volumes of water and the summer rains will be coming soon, please continue to use this vital resource sparingly as the ongoing increase in water charges is having a negative effect on the current overhead structure of Caister Lodge. For your information, please see below the current levels of the dams that feed the greater Durban area.

	Albert Falls Dam			   95.70%
	Midmar Dam			          	   88.30%
	Inanda Dam			          	   95.90%
	Hazelmere Dam		             52.50%

PATRICK ROBERT 29th August 2023
