Newsletter - 30 September 2024

December 17, 2024


Congratulations to the “Lucky Dip Quiz Team”, James and Brenda Gourley, Angela Kightley and Carol Ditz who won the quarterly quiz on Wednesday the 25th September. Grateful thanks to Alan Kelly the quiz master for preparing the questions for the contestants and entertaining the residents in the audience.

Thank you to all the residents who participated in the success of the Fire Drill on Friday the 27th September and special thanks to the Fire Marshalls:-Else Larsen, Barry Hatch, Megan Caminsky, Caroline Jankovich and Brenda Gourley as well as Mr A (Babu) Jadwat, the Chief Fire Inspector and his assistant, Nozipho who availed themselves to assist with the process.

Wishing all our Jewish Residents at Caister Lodge “Shanah Tova”(“Have a good and sweet year).

The Caister management and staff would like to commend the residents for their active participation in “The Buddy Buddy System” that has been mentioned in previous newsletters. The observations and concerns expressed by residents on behalf of their neighbours by this active participation are welcome and the medical staff have been able to intervene in assisting residents who may otherwise have become seriously ill.

A gentle reminder to all residents to please dress appropriately as the inclement weather and unpredictable weather, it has been noticed that there has been a spike in upper respiratory infections and the medical staff suggest that you should be mindful of taking extra vitamin support as well as maintaining good hydration especially during our cold snaps.

The clinic management would like to thank the concerned friends that have been visiting residents in the clinic. Please can all visitors to the clinic respect the visiting hours policy and allow the staff to complete very necessary tasks without compromising the dignity of the patients in the clinic.

Just a reminder to Save The Date for The Residents Christmas Lunch which will be held on Wednesday the 4th December 2024 in the dining room.

We would like to welcome the following new residents to Caister Lodge and hope their stay here will be a long and happy one;-

		Pauline Maurer-Units 1 & 2
		Rose De Abreu-Unit 143

Residents who have requested Regular Visitor Barcodes and not yet received them may enquire at the reception for the collection thereof.

Summer is nearly upon us and air-condition units will be in demand and residents are urged not to leave the aircon units running unnecessarily as the high cost of electricity is having a negative impact on the company’s finances.

Even though the summer rains are fast approaching, please continue to use water sparingly as this resource is vital for our existence and to ensure we don’t end up with water restrictions in the future. For your information, please see below the current levels of the dams that feed the greater Durban area.

	Albert Falls Dam		     81.32%
	Midmar Dam	          	     87.75%
	Inanda Dam		          	     96.77%
	Hazelmere Dam		              74.81%

PATRICK ROBERT 30th September 2024
