Newsletter (30 June 2023)

June 30, 2023
        N E W S L E T T E R

The July Sweepstakes draw will take place on the verandah on Friday the 30th June 2023 at 10.00 am. Tickets are still available from reception and remember “YOU’VE GOT TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT”.

The St Mary’s Musical Program “All you need is Love” that was due to take place on Wednesday the 28th June 2023 has been postponed to Wednesday the 5th July 2023 from 6.00 pm till 7.00 pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Residents using the parking garage in the Hotel Block are advised to please switch on your car lights to warn other users when you are entering or leaving the garage.

There has been an increase in the amount of scams out there with criminals feeding off the vulnerable, so please do not respond to any phone messages requesting your banking information as your bank will not communicate with you in this format. Ignore or delete these messages before you become the next victim.

It is the resident’s responsibility to ensure that their doors and windows are able to be securely locked and if there is a problem with the locking mechanism, please report same to reception for maintenance to attend to the problem.

Residents may enquire at the reception when their windows will be cleaned and a new schedule is drafted on a monthly basis.

The House Committee has worked tirelessly arranging traders to set up stalls on the Caister verandah for the resident’s convenience. Stall Holders will be available on Wednesdays from 10.00 am for the residents to please support.

This month, the medical team would like to focus on dealing with depression and anxiety. These two states of emotion are commonly found amongst retiree’s, many of whom have lost a partner or dear friend or have waved goodbye to family members who are settling abroad. Our short winter days tend to exacerbate these feelings.

A totally free, 100% natural remedy is now available. It’s known as “puzzling”, and its proponents are called “puzzlers”.

The science behind this is the chemical Dopamine, also known as the “happy hormone”, a chemical that regulates mood, memory and concentration. Dopamine helps nerve cells to send messages to each other. When Dopamine is released in our brain, we feel a sense of temporary pleasure. Dopamine is released every time we solve a clue, finish a sudoku or fit another piece in the jigsaw puzzle. Working on puzzles also assists to calm anxiety. This activity helps to refocus your mind while stimulating it by requiring you to use your problem-solving skills and exercise your creativity. This, in turn, distracts you from stressful situations (takes your mind off things). Remember, Dopamine is free, you make it yourself, it’s addictive in a great way. So sharpen your pencils and grab a newspaper, or head over to the library and fit a piece in the jigsaw puzzle, and help yourself to some happiness.

Claudia Flack a highly recommended massage therapist will be available to offer massages to the residents on Thursday the 7th July 2023 from 08.00 am till 12.00 noon. Residents who would like an appointment with Claudia are to put their names on the list on the notice board.

Even though the dams that feed the greater Durban area have sufficient volumes of water at this time, please continue to use this vital resource sparingly as the ongoing increase in water charges is having a negative effect on the current overhead structure of Caister Lodge. For your information, please see below the current levels of the dams that feed the greater Durban area.

    Albert Falls Dam               99.8%
    Midmar Dam                         96.2%
    Inanda Dam                       101.0%
    Hazelmere Dam                     58.7%

PATRICK ROBERT 29th June 2023
