Newsletter - 31 May 2024

June 4, 2024
        N E W S L E T T E R

Residents are reminded of the next Quarterly Quiz which will take place on Wednesday evening, the 26th June 2024 at 6.00 pm in the lounge. Please save the date and come and join in the fun and entertaining evening.

A big Thank You to Caroline Jankovich and Angela Kightley for their efforts in getting Caister residents and staff members registered in Ward 34 and for arranging the Independent Electoral Commission to come to site and allow voting to take place at Caister Lodge. All their hard work is much appreciated and the convenience of casting special votes on site is most welcome.

After M-Pact decided to remove their re-cycle bin from the Caister premises we have been able to contract with the Reclam Group to facilitate the collection of all recycling material (Cardboard, Paper, Glass, Plastic and Metal Cans). These recepticles have been placed in the Musgrave side of the car park for the convenience of all residents and staff to place these items in the correct containers provided.

Thank you to all the residents who participated in the annual influenza and vaccine drive. Taking responsibility for your own good health goes a long way to ensure that our Caister community remain healthy and well.

What causes simple falls, trips and slips? Normally, these occurrences happen to everyone on the odd occasion. Problems arise when falls start to recur and start to form a pattern. People often say that they slipped off the bed reaching for their slippers or missed the toilet seat when sitting on it. But the question they need to ask themselves is….Why has this happened twice in the last few weeks; but has never happened in the preceding 80 years? There is usually an underlying cause for this sort of repeated event.

When should one seek medical advice… You have had two or more falls in the last year that cannot be explained…You have had a single fall associated with loss of consciousness, giddiness, or a rapid or forceful heart beat…You have had a single fall that caused significant injury...You have a fear of falling again…You were unable to get up, off the floor, unaided. You have frequent or persistent spells of giddiness and unsteadiness

Residents who wish to subscribe to Caister’s DSTV bouquet are advised that this activation process can only be effected on the first day of a month and suspensions and cancellations of this service can only take place on the last day of a month.

Residents are reminded that the smoking is not allowed in the common areas of Caister Lodge and you may only smoke in your apartment or the designated smoking area in the garden behind the clinic.

The summer rains are behind us and residents are reminded to continue to use this resource sparingly. Please see below the current levels of the dams that feed the greater Durban area.

	Albert Falls Dam		     98.42%
	Midmar Dam	          	 95.93%
	Inanda Dam		           100.69%
	Hazelmere Dam		         83.24%

